Living in a shining, clean house sounds like a privilege, but it’s a necessity.
To live a healthy and productive life, you need a clean environment. Dirt and clutter will only get in the way of making your dreams come true.
But how do you make a whole-house monthly cleaning schedule? More importantly, how do we actually stick to it? Stay tuned; the help is on the way.
Put it on paper
To begin, you must develop a list of cleaning resolutions for your house. Specify everything that needs to be done for it to be considered clean. Get a writing implement and a clipboard from the drawer. Prepare yourself to go through your space, one room at a time, to compile an accurate inventory of the areas and chores that will comprise the program for your thorough home cleaning.
Prioritise the rooms
Make a list of all the locations and rooms in your house that need to be cleaned regularly. This should include the stairways, hallways, and entryways. Take out of your usual cleaning routine any rooms or spaces that aren’t used very often, such as the storage or the guest room. Include them in the cleaning regimen for your house on a seasonal or as-needed basis.
Determine which cleaning tasks need to be done
Check out the state of each room as you go through your cleaning checklist. Make a list of all the cleaning that needs to be done regularly.
Items should be arranged in the same order they will be cleaned, from the ceiling down to the floor. The good rule of thumb is to:
Gear up for a whole-house month cleaning schedule
To go through the whole schedule properly, you’ll need to prepare suitable tools. According to the experts at transfer & storage company, it’s best to store all your cleaning products in one place. Keep in mind that if you have all the necessary equipment and cleaning products available, your home cleaning routine will go much quicker. So, go shopping for all the things you’re missing.
Also, you might already have some of the essentials in your home. DIY options are also quite good in some cases, so you don’t have to spend much money on your cleaning gear.
The frequency of cleaning is different for every space
When calculating the frequency of your cleaning plan for your whole house, you should consider how often you clean certain places and how frequently you clean your home overall.
It’s possible, for instance, that you won’t have to clean as often as someone who remains at home with young children since your family is gone for most of the weekdays. You may discover that the areas that are open to the public, like the kitchen and the bathroom for guests, need more frequent cleaning than the more personal ones, like the bedrooms.
Make it a habit
Once you’ve tailored your perfect schedule, you need to stick to it. If you want something to work long-term, you must make it a habit. There are quite a few sneaky tricks to trick your brain into engaging in an activity regularly.
A good thing to do at the start is to clean in between the specified intervals. Make sure to maintain the sensation of having just cleaned something. That feeling of reward after achievement will motivate you to do things on your schedule without skipping.
So, trick your lazy brain and install dispensers of multipurpose cleaning wipes in the kitchen and bathroom. That way, you can do a fast spot cleaning whenever it’s required.
Don’t let clutter in
The other trick for making a habit is eliminating the mess in your space. Put “declutter” at the top of your cleaning list if you aren’t already practising putting things away regularly.
When there is less stuff lying about on the surface of your house, cleaning it will be much simpler. Doing this will help you in keeping the home clean when the time comes to move. As professional movers say, it will be a perfect time to spruce up and eliminate all the clutter to start fresh and open a clean sheet.
The key is not to overwhelm yourself
Make a cleaning schedule and get to work on it right away. Think of it as a test run for the regular monthly cleaning routine.
Limit the time you spend in each area and start where you left off the following time to prevent becoming overwhelmed. Making an overwhelming schedule in the first month is a path to failure.
Make sure you remember that things will get easier. It will all be worth it once you come to a clean and healthy home from work. However, it takes time and experience to get the hang of a new cleaning regimen.
”If you want to change the world, start by making your bed.”
As a US Navy Admiral, William McRaven once said in his famous speech – if you want to change the world, start by making your bed. It’s not easy making and sticking to a whole-house monthly cleaning schedule.
But, if you start with such a small thing as making your bed in the morning, little by little, you’ll motivate yourself to do all the other stuff and hard work. It will make you consistent. And that kind of consistency is a virtue you can use in your house and life while making your dreams come true.